I thought the last straw
for me and Motherlode was a month ago, when lead blogger KJ
Dell’Antonia tweeted about an article in the Times, “Professional Photographers
in the Delivery Room (yuck.)” I know not everyone has had the positive birth experiences
that I’ve had, but I started to wonder why I was reading a parenting
blog curated by someone who seemed grossed out by birth. Yet I didn’t delete the
blog from my google reader or Twitter feed. Amidst all the chain-yanking,
there were posts on car safety and the Penn State sex abuse scandal, which are
things I want to read about. I didn’t want to miss important news just because the style of the lead blogger (or whoever is writing headlines and making decisions about content) rubbed me the wrong way.
However, an essay posted
on Motherlode yesterday truly is the last straw. I was shocked to see the
headline “Breastfeeding and Sex: Is Latching On a Turn Off?” in my twitter
feed. Talk about tabloid-y! The teaser for the post by James Braly said, “Extended
breast-feeding impacts the whole family. And I would argue that the impact on
the father - and his sex life - is not good.” Wow! Who is this guy?
A pediatrician? A psychologist? An average dad? I’d have to read to see. It sounded
bad, but maybe this was just one of those teasers meant to make me read, and
the post itself would not be inflammatory. Well, it was
actually WORSE than I expected.